
Top Tips for Pre and Post Hurricanes

by | Jun 3, 2022 | Welcome to Naples

Hurricane season has just begun here in Florida.  Time to stock up on goods and have a plan of action in case a hurricane hits Naples.  As residents of Southwest Florida for more than 20 years, Michelle and Stephanie have a few tips of their own to prepare for hurricanes, and how to clean up after the storm has disappeared. There are some basic general tip to help you prepare for a natural disaster:

  • Stock up on water
  • Stock up on perishable foods
  • Have battery-powered flashlights and technology chargers
  • Make sure your hurricane shutters are down (if you have them)
  • Have a tool kit prepared
  • Have a first aid kit prepared
  • Have a state-exit plan in place

But here are some tips that may not be as well known that can make the world of a difference when you are preparing for a hurricane.

  1. Make sure you have a surplus of pet food, an indoor relief station, extra litter, and enough water for your pets.  Most of the time, we think we have to rush to the grocery store to grab food and waters for us.  With services that simply auto-ship us our pet food, we forget that we also have to stock up on that as well!  We make it a rule of thumb on our team to always have at least two unopened bags of pet food (and kitty litter) in our homes at all times in case of a hurricane, or any other natural disaster that may hit.
  2. Ensure that your insurance policies are up-to-date and be knowledgable about what you are covered for.  In case you have any damages to your home or you have personal property such as furniture, technology, or jewelry that is damaged in a natural disaster, it is important to know what you are covered for and what you will have to cover on your own.   Keeping a personal inventory list of all items in your home and assessing that list post hurricane can simplify this process as well.  We recommend a fireproof, water-tight, lock safe for your home so you can store documents and smaller valuables and keepsakes.
  3. Place all outdoor furniture in the pool (if you have one).  By placing your furniture in the pool, it will be virtually impossible for the wind to pick up your furniture, causing a potential threat to your home and those around you.
  4. Make sure you have enough your prescribed medication on hand.  Most people tend to stock up on normal first aid kits that you can purchase at any corner-store, but it is important that you keep some extra prescribed medicine on hand.  Our rule of thumb is at least one extra month’s worth of medication, if your pharmacy will allow that.
  5. Keep your gas tank more than 1/2 full during hurricane season.  As we all know, gas prices are rising, and it only gets worse when a hurricane is just days out from landing.  It is extremely important to keep your gas tank at least half way full at all times during this season in case of an emergency evacuation.  This will also help you save a few dollars and potentially allow you to evacuate the state sooner than others.

During a hurricane, here are some tips to keep you and your family safe.

  • Stay away from windows and doors in case the wind blows them in
  • If you are planning on evacuating the state, leave as early in the morning as possible and take the back routes up the state to avoid traffic
  • If you are in a flood area and there is a high risk for a storm surge, lift your furniture using plastic buckets to potentially avoid water damage
  • Have an outdoor option available for a restroom in case there is no fresh running water.

After the hurricane and storm surge threats are gone, now would begin the post-hurricane clean up.  Here are our tips to help you throughout this process.

  1. Do not open the refrigerator or freezer if you lost power to attempt to salvage any food.  This will help you save food for after the hurricane and avoid having to raid a grocery store as prices for basic goods will begin to rise due to the increase in demand and limited stock.
  2. Inspect every part of your home; interior, exterior, and personal inventory list for any damages or lost items.  This will help you determine if there are any damages to your home that cause imminent danger to you and your family and/or if you need to contact your insurance agency to file a claim.
  3. If the storm surge caused flooding in your home, open all your windows.  This trick will allow your home to begin to dry out and prevent any long-term mold damage. At least once a week post the storm surge, it will be important to check your home for any mold damage and begin treating any mold you see right away to prevent any spreading.
  4. Contact your relatives as soon and as regularly as possible.  If you have relatives that have never lived in a hurricane state, they may cause added stress to you as they only have the news to rely on for information about the storm.  It is very important to contact your relatives as regularly as possible to keep them up to date on anything in regard to you and your family in the storm.  They may also be able to help you by sending goods that you cannot access due to shortages.
  5. Lastly, work together as a community.  It is so vital that we work together as a community to clean up our city.  We cannot do this alone.  Removing fallen trees, cleaning up debris, and any other types of damages cannot be cleaned up by just one person.  The only way we can get through this is by working together.

For more information, please refer to the Collier County Emergency Management Team’s All Hazard Guide for more information, tips, and tricks.