
Setting Your 2022 Real Estate Goals

by | Jan 12, 2022 | Real Estate

2022 is the year to make changes in our lives for the better! Gone are the days of setting unreasonable New Years resolutions, and start looking towards our futures with goals that will take us to the next level in our lives.  

The best way to push into that next level is to begin looking into real estate.  Whether it is upgrading your home, or purchasing your first investment property, setting reasonable goals for yourself is how you can achieve success. Here are some ways to evaluate yourself and set reasonable real estate goals.

Identify your BIG WHY!

Your BIG WHY should be the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning.  Is it your family? Is it your passion? Whatever your BIG WHY is, make it the focus of every decision you make when achieving your real estate goals.  Finding our what your BIG WHY is may seem like a difficult task, but take a moment and write down everything that is important to you, but what makes you feel important.  What makes you feel that you need to grow?  That is your BIG WHY. 

Set Boundaries

Take a look at what you actually want your goal to bring you.  How will achieving this goal impact your life?  Set boundaries in how you actually can achieve that goal.  Setting boundaries in a real estate goal can be both literal and metaphorical.  If you are looking to upgrade your current property, set a limit on the number of rooms you are re-doing.  If you are looking to invest in a rental property, set a limit to the amount you are willing and comfortable to spend.  But it is also important to set a mental boundary on how much time and energy you are willing to spend on this goal. 

Find Support

Take a moment and take inventory of those who are going into the new year to support you and your goals.  Find those people who are willing to take the time to work with you as you work to achieve your goals.  Finding experts who can guide you through the real estate process, read books to get different insights and perspectives on how to achieve your goals.  Having people to support you achieve your real estate goals will make reaching success that much more sweet. 



Start to think about what real estate goals you want to achieve as we make headway into 2022.  Understand why you want to achieve this goal, how you will achieve it, and who will be there to support you!