
Giving Back To Our Community

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Welcome to Naples

Built into the values of the Welcome Home Team is giving back to our community.  We would not be here today without the support of our clients, neighbors, trusted vendors, and the city of Naples backing us each step of the way.  We owe so much of our success and continued ability to serve the Southwest Florida real estate market to our community.  So, we make it a priority that each member of our team gives back to our communities.  Stephanie has been a volunteer for Valerie’s House, which supports children and families through the grieving process of a loved one, as well as volunteering with Habitat NextGen, an organization apart of Habitat for Humanity where they spread the word about affordable housing in Southwest Florida.  Mackenzie has recently joined the Big Brother Big Sister organization where she has been partnered with a kid who needs a mentor to be there for them through the ups and downs of growing up.

Stephanie has been a volunteer at Valerie’s House for over a year now.  Valerie’s House supports children and families through the grieving process of a loved one.  Through kinesthetic activities, the children are able to understand what the grieving process looks like, but also know that their grief does not need to look like everyone else’s.  Not only are the activities kinesthetic, but also speaking outwardly about their pain can help them overcome difficult emotions.  Stephanie’s role as a volunteer is to walk the kids through these activities and guide them to a safe space to feel their grief.  Stephanie has a special gift with these children as she can understand their grief on a personal level.  Stephanie lost her father to suicide when she was young and had to process her new life without her father.  Through the support of her family and close friends, Stephanie has been able to take what she went through, and give the children she works with a light at the end of what may seem like a long, dark tunnel.  If you are interested in learning more about Valerie’s House, here is more information:   Alongside Valerie’s House,  Stephanie also volunteers at Habitat NextGen, an organization in partnership with Habitat for Humanity that spreads the word about affordable housing.  Stephanie hosts regular events open to the community that teach those about affordable housing opportunities.  She also helps Habitat for Humanity communities build homes for lower income families with the chance at homeownership once their new home is built. If you are interested in learning more about Habitat NextGen, here is more information:

Mackenzie has recently become a mentor for the Big Brother Big Sister organization where she was matched with a little sister who needs a big sister to mentor her through her ups and downs in life.  Big Brother Big Sister is a nationwide organization that has four main sections to mentorship.  The first is the traditional one-on-one mentorship where a big gets partnered with a little.  The second mentorship program is the educational program where bigs head to a school and tutor children who need academic support.  The third is a partnership with parents who are incarcerated, which is aimed to help the children process the change in their life and keep on a safe path.  The last is a partnership with parents who are in the military, which is to support children who need a safe person to talk to about the change in their life.  Each child has a unique background, just as unique as the kid themselves.  Some kids have experienced drug and alcohol abuse in their household, some have lost family members to accidents or suicide, some need emotional support through the changes of childhood, and so many more have unique circumstances in their lives.  There is always a need for bigs in the Lee and Collier chapters of the Big Brother Big Sister organization.  If you are interested in learning more, here is more information: